The Zig is apparently a very cheap date. The 'easily reversible' sedative he was given for the great dew claw debacle of 2010 (in which your dog is apparently good as new in an hour or two) is still knocking down the big Z (literally)36 hours later. He was up and alert for a few hours this morning (during which he pitched headfirst into the coffee table)and then again this afternoon during his vet trip (in which he flirted shamelessly with all the techs while walking around like a drunken sailor). He received a bout of IV fluids and almost an hour of manhandling before being loaded back into the car. He now looks like this...

And then there is Sadie. Who offered me a paw this morning with an ugly pink growth between her front toes that was definitely not there a week ago. So she got to come along for the ride and have a foxtail probe done for potential 'foreign bodies' that the vet suspected of being lodged in there. This required mild sedation and he found Nada. So we get to do some epsom salt foot baths for a few days and see if the mysterious mass disappears as rapidly as it came. In the meantime, I have 2 of the quietest dogs on the planet tonight....

So Stoned...
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