Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dinkey Lakes Hike

Yes. The Mosquitos are out. Although not yet in full force, the trip required quite a bit of bug spray. Uncle Joe and I took 'the boys' out for Astro's first real hike, Zig was brought along as his ambassador to the wilder world. Hurricane Rosie got some much needed quiet time at home with a friend. Alas, I worry more and more about her joints as she gets older...  Anyway, we loaded the boys up at 7am and made it up to the trailhead around 9:30 after two short stops. Astro was nervous but excited and Zig.... well Zig is an old hand at mountain trips by now....

 Admittedly, after much patience and coaxing, I had to physically haul Astro's big butt across the first two creek crossings. After that, he got the general idea that the water was not going to kill him and he followed Ziggy across with no worries on the way back. He still has to drag the long line or be leashed the whole time since his obedience education has been sorely lacking. All in all, it went way better than I had any right to expect. Go, Astro, Go.

 And, of course, we had to stop at the Hungry Hut in Shaver for grilled cheese and shake for the way home. Yum.

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